My name is Adeeb Chafekar. I am a graphic designer and artist from Birmingham, UK. From a young age, I took a great interest in art and being creative. Fast forward to January 2024 when I created my social media accounts for Live.In.Bold. It served as a way to not only get my work out there but also as a way of inspiring other people with my projects.
"Greatness cannot be achieved overnight. Only through one's growth of diligence, integrity & resilience can greatness be achieved in good time." 
This is the proverb for ODYSSEY, a clothing brand I created in 2023 on the back of a failed one I started a year prior. It serves as a reminder that we are always aiming to consistently improve ourselves and that we shouldn't let failure permanently drag us down; rather we should use it as a means of pushing forward and aiming higher. I'm not afraid to fail. If everything I made turned out to be extremely successful the first time round, it would lack the depth that it would otherwise hold had I had failed and tried again. Not everything I make is suppose to be perfect, but that just gives me more of a reason to go back and keep creating. 
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